Chapter 1648 Fuck These Gorgeous Cunts(Incest Sex):>Ep10
- Unconventional? She again seemed like she knew something. Am I the only one at all struggling with the idea that within the past week and a half I made out with my cousin, fell asleep next to my aunts after they tenderly undressed me down to my underwear, I took in an eyeful of one aunt's pussy as if she were presenting it to me on purpose, and I allowed the other one to titty-fuck me to one of the best orgasms of my life?
- 'Just go with it.' Angie added. 'They enjoy what they do. You'll make them very happy by just letting them take care of you.'
- 'I hear ya.' I wrote back. I wasn't sure what else to say. This whole thing was feeling strange. So, I just said, 'Goodnight, cuz.'